In The Book!

Rushing To Meet Our New Deadline

The cover to what is David Instone’s 16th Wolves book.

We sincerely thank the Wolves Heroes readers who used this site to order copies of David Instone’s forthcoming book – and are pleased to confirm to them that it should be out before the end of the season.

‘Between the Golden Lines’ is described as a reporter’s memoir – in this case, one that has more than three decades in the Molineux press box at its heart.

The project is due to be sent off to the printers this week and has received highly encouraging feedback already from two of the well-known faces in the Wolves press room.

BBC Radio WM’s Daz Hale said: “I was totally engrossed from the first sentence.” And the club’s former head of media Paul Berry said after reading the opening two chapters: “This book looks like being a real belter.”

The author said of the wider response to publicity about the 256-page hard-back: “We are delighted to have sold more than 400 copies in advance.

“We had a sort of target figure in mind and this response is way beyond what we realistically hoped for. We are very pleased.

“In many cases, our readers weren’t even asking the title – or the price. It felt very reassuring to know they were so keen to support a major piece of work that has taken two or three years to write.

“We have done a lot of Wolves books over the last 20 years or so – either written them, published them or, in many cases, both. But there is no doubt this one is very different.

“Journalists are increasingly writing highly entertaining books about their working lives, especially in football. As a professional group, we are obviously fortunate to have good access to players, managers and directors in a way supporters are not and to be given a sort of inside track in the process.

“That can bring its own problems, though, and I hope this book explains some of the difficulties in the relationships between clubs and local reporters as well as the many highs we have along the way.”

Fans might become used to reading more about Between the Golden Lines as its producers Thomas Publications are flattered to have been approached by WM, the Sunday Mercury, Sky Sports and a host of more local news outlets with a view to possible interviews or promotional pieces.

The book should be out in the second half of April and those who have purchased or pledged to buy will be contacted accordingly.

Anyone still keen to reserve or order a copy is invited to email us here or ring 07734-440095.

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